Friday, November 11, 2011

Review: Patrice O'Neal: Elephant in the Room

Review: Patrice O'Neal: Elephant in the Room
The screen kept going black every 2-3 minutes through the entire show, whether that was the commercial breaks edited out or what, it was damned annoying, when in middle of a joke especially! Otherwise, this is my fave type of BET stand up comedy; raw, raunchy & in your face funny! If you don't like swears, bodily functions, sex, race, gender or other sensitive subjects in comedy, avoid this. Believe me his punch lines are very obvious--anyone who needs them spelled out is dimwitted to the point that they wouldn't get it even with a punchline, sad to say. He definitely abuses his audience but then again, anyone sitting right up front has to know they're taking that chance. I purposely choose front seats for that reason, plus he was very aware of his audience & the reactions he was looking for. Highly recommend this for an hour 17 minutes of laugh out loud funny.

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