Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Last Word movie review

The Last Word
A surprisingly great movie considering the subject matter, and it's a feel good ending which I didn't expect either. Bentley's character was a bit wooden minus a few break through emotions, Ryder's acting was spot on as was Romano's. The ending gave me a laugh and this is not a funny movie. Don't want to ruin it for anyone, so that's as specific as I'll get on that, except that I cried near the ending about 5 minutes before the laugh. A slow moving character driven story that has NO action scenes, no nudity or sex or swearing either, other than subject matter I can't see why it has an R, should be PG-13. Quirky movie I enjoyed, wasn't sure it was worth watching, but I'd consider watching it again, recommend others check it out when looking for something off the beaten path. Great change of pace from the Hollywood blockbuster crap out there, but probably not worth buying the DVD.

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