I'm not into body modification or suspension, but that does not mean I can't view this with respect for those adult's choices & lifestyle decisions. I'd heard this movie was better than Modify, so I watched this one first, because the other barely mentions Haworth (pronounced HAY-worth), who DID create this industry & in fact designed the tools by which others presently in the field he birthed, use. The gore (blood & lots of it) factor can be a bit much, seeing people in pain & bleeding isn't much fun, but once one gets past the 1st few sticks, and realizes these people choose & some even get off on that pain, it gets a bit easier to take--until the suspension part, that was hard for even me to watch; again after awhile it got easier, but never once did I think "Gee that looks like fun". Haworth gives much info on how dangerous this can be for just anyone off the street to do, and he has a medical instrument/inventor background, a somewhat pioneering but safely type attitude, explaining the legal, medical & even moral/ethical sides to the lifestyle, including a touching scene with his dad. I don't believe he was egotistical or arrogant so much as honest & frank about what lead him to & kept him part of the lifestyle. Some focus was put on people who had later changed their mind about their own modifications, so it was a well rounded close look at an industry few get a peek into. The quality of the video, sound and production was excellent despite this being a documentary. The relationship issues were valid in how modification & suspension affects ones relationships with peers, lovers, family & others. I wish this had been longer, covered more of the modification than the suspension, which filled nearly half this movie. If you are squeamish about blood, you will have a problem watching this, and there are close up genital scenes, which may not be suitable <18. I would watch it again and recommend it to others interested in this subject.
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